We keep chickens along with Ducks here at Flisk, North Fife, what amazing birds they are, providing eggs and interest. This book will surely extend our development and involvement with different breeds, perhaps yours too.

Extraordinary Chickens. With gorgeous colour photographs and informative text, Stephen Green-Armytage surveys many breeds around the world, capturing with his camera chickens of all sizes, shapes, and colours and illuminating gorgeous feather patterns, elaborate wattles and boots, and many other details. Included are breeds developed in Japan, Malaysia, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Australia, South America, the United States, and elsewhere. For breeders and enthusiasts, this volume will be a treasure they must own; for others it will be a revelation, worth having for the sheer enjoyment of the striking photographs and the amazing animals they portray. The original Extraordinary Chickens will be rejacketed to tie in visually with this new book.
Extra Extraordinary Chickens

A Complete Encyclopedia of Chickens.
By A reviewer.
I thoroughly recommend this book. There is a wealth of information crammed into its modest size, making it a must-have for chicken keepers; beginners and old-hands alike.
It enters into adequate detail for most keepers' day-to-day needs regarding housing, health etc., but (hence the 4/5 rating), you may wish to buy some more specialised books on the above to find more in-depth information.
The breed section is excellent, giving far more detail (and photos) than any other book I've read. The info included is relevant and up-to-date, which is great if you've not got the time to trawl through specialist breed books.
This book is a visual treat, having a simple but effective layout, and of course being packed full of high quality, captioned photos of every breed featured. There are a number of mistakes in the allocation of the captions, but we can forgive them for that, considering the amount of photos to be captioned!
Overall, a great read at a great price!
Complete Encyclopedia of Chickens
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