Saturday, April 07, 2012

Julie Goring at The Steeple North Fife

 Light & Dark

Julie Goring. An Exhibition at The Steeple Newburgh North Fife by Julie Goring. Myth and story telling- Often the imaginary is sparked around birds-everything from pigeons, geese, swans to finches, goldcrests and sparrows. Mixed media.

Fables of Newburgh.
Girl at Dusk.
Crow Ikons.
St Hugo Shrine.
The Dark Artemis shrine. The story of how Acteon, out hunting with his dogs, chances upon Artemis, the virgin goddess of the moon. Furious that a mortal should see her naked, she turns Acteon into a stag who is then hunted down by his own dogs.
The Doull Tree.
Goldfinch Triptych.
Bird Ikons

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