Thursday, February 09, 2012

Losar Male Water Dragon 2012

Losar February 22nd 2012, New Moon. The year of the Male Water Dragon, here clutching jewels in its claws heralding all happiness prosperity and good health. What else can one wish for?
Happy New Year May all beings be happy, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

Losar Greetings Card by Lama Thubten Kunsal, from a monastery in Derge, Eastern Tibet.

Losar 2012 Tibetan New year, This year starting 22nd February is Male Water Dragon, on this day, Losar is celebrated in homes and with friends, eating special food and drinking jugs of barley chang. On the first day in Lhasa pilgrims go to pay homage to the most sacred statue of Sakya Muni in Jokhang temple and burning incense all around Jokhang as well as at all Tibetan homes and Monasteries, every one dresses in his/her finest clothes to do holy circuit around monasteries and temples.
The last two weeks of the year in monasteries Mahakala prayers are offered to neutralise the negativity of the preceding year. These energies are directed into a coloured string edifice to be later consumed by fife.

Assembled around the burning mass locals grab at the imbued coloured string and in essence retain and perpetuate some of the negativity, such is non understanding.

Gyaltsap Rinpoche as Dorje Lopon making offerings prior to the Mahakala Torma being consumed.

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