Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Borage Oil Cream Treatments

Borage Oil is one of those herbal remedies that really work, is safe to use even on babies for a wide range of conditions. If you have a need then look no further than the linked site below, I think you will be happy you found it.

Borage flowers also known as starflower is now grown worldwide for its medicinal powers in fact you could grow yourself, the flowers and leaves are edible to good effect. Oil is obtained by cold pressing, huge amounts are needed, this can be done at home or to save oneself, ready prepared products can be purchased from much acclaimed Rosie Laing Herbal Preparations.

Rosie Laing first created Borage seed oil products in 1992. These products dealt mainly with negative skin conditions.
In 1994 she was awarded the John Logie-Baird Award for Innovation, having created a "profoundly effective cure for major skin problems," increasingly prescribed by GPs.
A wide range of benefits have been discovered across the world by scientists and naturopaths alike.
There is a growing awareness that many illnesses can be treated in a more holistic manner, looking at the whole being and his or her environment to find solutions. A significant cause of many of today's ills is insufficient dietary linoleic acid in the diet. Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is manufactured by the body from dietary linoleic acid which should be readily available in a natural varied diet, but it is now sadly inhibited by the use of pesticides, preservatives etc.
Borage acts as a restorative agent on the adrenal cortex, which means it will revive and renew the the adrenal glands after medical treatment with cortisone or steriods. This why it is so effective in cases of asthma and allergic reactions,especially after immunisation in young infants where an epidemic of
asthma and eczema have become the norm, because of the shock to their immature adrenals.
Borage and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) Borage seed oil, nature's most potent source of GLA - up to 24%, when found in oils and toiletries rapidly promotes the following benefits:
Reduction of swelling in joints, especially in arthritis and rheumatism
Strengthening of the immune system
Reduction of water retention
Reduction of allergic reactions
Reduction of inflammation in asthma and hay fever
Healing of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis
Slowing of aging process by stimulating blood circulation and metabolism
Healing of sun damaged skin - including melanomas, effective natural sun block
Inhibits growth of cancerous tumours and cysts
Treats Alopecia
Increases milk in lactating mothers
Published Research
Some examples of published research and sources:
Dermatitis (Eczema)
Transepidermal seborrhoeic dermatitis - By Toolesson and Frithz, Austria - Source: Acto-Derm-
Venereol, 1993 Feb; 73(1): 18-20
37 patients with clinically diagnosed infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis (ISD) were studied in an attempt to establish the significance of Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and water content in the stratum corneum, in active disease and after recovery. All the patients were treated daily with topically applied borage oil (containing 24% GLA). With this regimen they were completely free from all skin symptoms within 3 - 4 weeks. Analysis of essential fatty acids in serum showed aberrations as previously described , with elevated levels of 18:1w9 and 20:2w6. TEWL and water content were recorded at the time of diagnosis and after treatment from the right forearm in skin that was free from symptoms and not treated with borage oil. 25 healthy children in an age-matched group without skin disorder were
used as controls. Significant differences in TEWL between patients and controls were found before treatment. After treatment no significant differences between controls and patients were found. There were no significant differences between controls and patients regarding water content in the stratum corneum.
GLA is suggested to be of importance in maintaining normal TEL and also in promoting recovery in patients suffering from ISD.
Rheumatoid Arthritis A - 2328 - Levnthal LJ; Boyce EG; Zurier RB: - Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with GLA: see comments:: - Ann Intern Med: 119:9:867-73 (1993)OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical efficacy and side effects of GLA, a plant-seed-derived essential fatty acid that suppresses inflammation and joint tissue injury in animal models.
DESIGN: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 24 week trial.
SETTING: Rheumatology clinic of a university hospital.
PATIENTS: 37 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and active synovitis.
INTERVENTION: Treatment with 1.4g/d GLA in borage seed oil or cotton seed oil (placebo)
MEASUREMENTS: Physicians' and patients' global assessment of disease activity; joint tenderness, joint swelling, morning stiffness, grip strength, and ability to do daily activities.
RESULTS: Treatment with GLA resulted in clinically important reduction in the signs and symptoms of disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (P<0.05). In contrast, patients given a placebo showed no change or showed worsening of disease. GLA reduced the number of tender joints by 36%, the tender joint score by 45%, swollen joint count by 28% and the swollen joint score by 41%, whereas the placebo group did not show significant improvement in any measure. Overall clinical responses (significant change in four measures) we also better in the treatment group (P<0.05). No patients withdrew from GLA treatment because of adverse reactions.
CONCLUSION: GLA doses used in this study is a well-tolerated and effective treatment for active rheumatoid arthritis. GLA is available world-wide as a component of evening primrose and borage seed oils. It is usually taken in far lower doses than used in the trial. It is not approved in the United States for the treatment of any condition and should not be viewed as therapy for any disease.
Further controlled studies of its use in rheumatoid arthritis are warranted.
Cancer Lett 1995 Aug 1:94(2): 147-155
Local application of GLA in the treatment of human gliomas.
Das UN, Prasad VV, Reddy DR Department of Medicine, Nizam's Insitiute of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderebad, India.
GLA (GLA) has been shown to have selective tumoricidal action both in vitro and in vivo. Earlier, in a limited clinical study, we have demonstrated the intra-tumoral administration of GLA can induce regression of human gliomas. In an extension of this study, we evaluated the effect of intracerebral injection of GLA on normal dog brain cells and in 15 patients with malignant gliomas.
Histopathological examination revealed that GLA is not cytotoxic to the normal dog brain cells. Administration of 10mg of GLA via a cerebral reservoir placed in the tumour bed, at the rate of 1mg/day over a period of ten days, revealed that GLA is not only safe and non-toxic, but can also regress cerebral gliomas as evaluated by computerised tomography and increased survival rate of patients by 1.5-2 years. Based on these results and on our earlier in vitro study, we suggest that GLA is a safe anti-tumour agent and recommend its use in the management of human gliomas. PMID:7634242, UI: 95360890 ------ A-430 - Van der Merwe CF; Booyens J; Katzeff IE:
Oral Gamma-linolenic acid in 21 patients with untreatable malignancy. An ongoing pilot open clinical trial: - Br J Clin Pract: 41:9:907-15 (1987)
These reports indicate that marked subjective improvement occurred in most of the 21 patients supplemented with GLA. In many cases there were distinct objective improvements, including weight gain, measurable reduction of tumor mass and radiological evidence of improvement.

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