Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Wild Mushroom Foray North Fife

Wild Food foray gathering at Tentsmuir Forest and Nature Reserve North Fife led by Tony Wilson, Fife Ranger. An interesting and informative afternoon out learning the subtle qualities of identifying wild mushrooms. We joined as a group organised by North Howe Transition Toun.

Birch Bolete Leccinum varicolour, edible but nothing to write home about.

Mixed basket of edibles.

Saffron Milk Caps by the basket collected by a Polish man and Italian wife who know a good thing when they see them. The Brits are largely ignorant compared to continental Europeans on the value and quality of free fungi.

Cep or Penny Bun, excellent eating.

Tony Wilson Explains the identifying qualities to look out for.

Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe.
I have this book and it's brilliantly illustrated, I recommend it to any serious Fungi enthusiast.
Without question the best overall look at European fungi. There are shorter guides for those who are only interested in eating mushrooms (like myself), but they should still arm themselves with this book to confirm their identification. It is both comprehensive and user-friendly: a rare achievement when it comes to the myriad of confusing species that confront the would-be mycologist.
To Buy Now:- Prices from £22-75. Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe (A Pan original)

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