Saturday, September 04, 2010

Sir Menzies Campbell opens The Rejuvenate Digestive Health and Wellbeing Clinic, Cuper North Fife.

Sir Menzies Campbell opens The Rejuvenate Digestive Health and Wellbeing Clinic, Cuper North Fife. Colonic Hydrotherapy (also known as Colonic Irrigation or Colonics) is great as part of a general detox and health maintenance programme as well as helping certain specific symptoms.
Colonic malfunction is said to lead 80% of all diseased states therefore a healthy functioning colon is essential for maintaining optimal health. As adults we can store pounds of toxic waste in the colon, which could have been there for a good number of years which can contribute to a whole host of symptoms and diseases.
The UK is one of the most constipated nations in the world. We have high numbers of people with Digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, diarrohea and slugglishness. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is now becoming increasingly more common. Whilst many individuals regularly complain of lack of energy, low moods, headaches, skin problems and weight problems. These symptoms can also be caused by a number of reasons including diet, lifestyle and toxins. Colonic Hydrotherapy works brilliantly to cleanse the body of its toxins and help with a number of the previously mentioned symptoms.

The Rt. Hon. Sir Menzies Campbell C.B.E. Q.C. M.P. has a discussion with Monty Roberts on the Benefits of Colonic irrigation. The MonteZumas are now past for Monty who has now regained his vigour, is bright eyed and bushy tailed much to the delight of his partner Agnieszka Rolbiecka.

Menzies Campbell again chats with Gemma Cliff on the benefits of a good wash out.

Interested parties in the Colonic Rejuvenation Clinic.


  1. Marita9:58 PM

    "Rejuvenate" the colonic hydrotherapy clinic in Cupar (Fife, Scotland) has launched recently a brand NEW website:

    Website was created by Web Studio 'Marita'

  2. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Rejuvenate in Cupar Fife has some SPECIAL OFFERS on their new website (website created Web Studio 'Marita').
    Check it out here >
