Monday, September 20, 2010

Newburgh Walking the Marches 2010

Over 200 meaningful people turn out for The Walking of the Marches on a brilliant day.

Starting at The Abbey Pub and heading down Tay Street for an 8 mile walk of Newburgh Marches.

Clearing the way at Parkhill farm.

Heading for the rail tunnel.

Emerging from the undergrowth on the way up.

The coos.

Gathering near Whinneybank contemplating the coos.

Bringing up the rear near Whinneybank.

Food and drink at Woodriffe.

Youngest 3years and the oldest 81 years being acknowledged.

Back from throwing a stick towards Mugdrum along the Boundary line.


  1. Interesting. I saw a crowd of people near Woodriffe on Saturday and wondered what was going on--thanks for the information. I have taken part in Riding the Marches in the Border towns but did not know about the custom here.

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Great stuff Peter

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    It certainly dates back to the 1800, the new Newburgh History Group could maybe research this ?
    We were again blessed with braw dry weather , dry under foot and a wind to cool the weary walker . The oldest walker was Dave Pitkethly [ retired engineer ] 81 1/2 years young and he can remember walking the march before the 2nd World War Now Peter I'm not critisising but a more dramatic view would be the strauchle up Suzie's Planting with the panarama of the Tay valley as a back drop , [ there cannot be a better view in all the world than looking in all directions from the Black Cairn !, or descending the Hares Loup [ 80deg grassy slope with whin bushes to catch the unwary ] Piper Alex performed an amazing feat by playing all the way down this slippery obstacle . The lady in the Orange House '' Bloomfield '' was watching from behind her front window [ surely there must be a planning issue there , the window looks very large , I think the authorities should restore the old drove road here anyway that is another issue . Billy Stewart must take great credit for pathfinding on the weeks leading up to the march as he cut down rouge branches and laid ropes to assist on the steep bits , One other gripe would it be to much to ask the farmers to install a gate where the boundary enters their property , it's not a pretty site - 250 poeple of all ages and dimensions climbing over barb wire fences , loose dry stone walls or weather beaten locked gates , surely new kissing gates ? would ultimately save damage to the farmers property There was drama after the pie and refreshments , in the field down to the County burn there was a herd of cows , now they ran into the next field but there was a big blck bull at the other end of the field and he came running along looking for his harem , some of the fairer sex took fright when they saw the bull and went scurrying to the fence at the West side of the field [ I fail to see what protection this fence would have afforded ] but when the bull deduced where his girlfriends had gone he quickly followed them and the danger was gone , Panic over . Anyhoo it was a great day and cannot wait for September 2013

  4. Anonymous. Thanks for the comment, by 2013 I hope to more mobile having by then had both knee replacements and will be able to join the foray and enjoy from the inside.
