Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Balmerino North Fife

Balmerino (Scottish Gaelic: Baile Meireanach) is a small village and former monastic centre in Fife, Scotland. It is the home of Balmerino Abbey and the former abbots of Balmerino who were great regional landlords. It became a secular lordship (see Lord Balmerino) at the beginning of the 17th century and fell into ruin. The village is now an official Conservation Area.

Balmerino Parish church situated at Bottom Craigs, half way to the Gauldry.
Balmerino is also "celebrated" by a poem by William McGonagall - said to be the English language's worst poet - "Beautiful Balmerino".

Beautiful Balmermo on the bonnie banks of Tay,
It's a very bonnie spot in the months of June or May;
The scenery there is charming and fascinating to see,
Especially the surroundings of the old Abbey,

Which is situated in the midst of trees on a rugged hill,
Which visitors can view at their own free will;
And the trees and shrubberies are lovely to view,
Especially the trees on each side of the avenue

Which leads up to the Abbey amongst the trees;
And in the summer time it's frequented with bees,
And also crows with their unmusical cry,
Which is a great annoyance to the villagers that live near by.

And there in the summer season the mavis sings,
And with her charming notes the woodland rings;
And the sweet-scented zephyrs is borne upon the gale,
Which is most refreshing and invigorating to inhale.

Then there's the stately Castle of Balmerino
Situated in the midst of trees, a magnificent show,
And bordering on the banks o' the silvery Tay,
Where visitors can spend a happy holiday.

As they view the castle and scenery around
It will help to cheer their spirits I'll be bound;
And if they wish to view Wormit Bay
They can walk along the braes o' the silvery Tay.

Balmerino beach on the Tay estuary looking west. Due to past volcanic activity north fife is littered with associated minerals and semi precious gems. In the fields geodes can be found and on this beach quartz, agates, cornelian, amethysts, jasper. People sit and sift, actually by scooping up a bucket full and taking home, you would be amazed at the richness and variety.

Looking East across the river Tay to Dundee.

Monks walk which runs from Balmerino Abbey to the Gauldry. This the view on the road from Kirkton of Balmerino.

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