Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Climate of Extremes

The Climate is in most peoples thoughts, the weather is generally of interest to us all. We are experiencing a rather protracted winter which begs the question about global warming. It seems to me that if it rains, it really rains, if it's sunny and hot, it's really hot, If it's windy then it's Really windy and so on. We need to adapt and accommodate. A read of this book may help one to relax with greater understanding.

Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don't Want You to Know. This is basically a major rewrite of Michaels' 2004 "Meltdown" book. Like Meltdown, it is very good. The authors accept that CO2 emissions are responsible for some global warming but they counsel against the alarmism that we see everywhere. They go to the science, and they make their case very well. Are there more hurricanes than there used to be? What might sea level rises be by 2100? What is the 'hockey stick' debate about? Are the poles melting and by how much? These questions and many more are examined with clarity and wit.
Michaels is an excellent writer and one always feels him to have a real command of his subject. He is a climatologist with years of employment at the university of Virginia under his belt.
He is unpopular with the mainstream scientific 'consensus' who regard him as too much of a sceptic - questions are asked as to his funding and his motivation, and sure some of his funding looks to be dubious and the Cato Institute is a right wing libertarian outfit. But this does not intrude into the text, except in a few areas where the authors offer potential solutions to some of the problems they perceive within the current scientific research environment.
This is an excellent and very accessible read, and I recommend it to mainstream and sceptic alike, and for all who like to do a bit of thinking 'outside the box'.Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don't Want You to Know

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