Bellfield Organic farm produce.

The Honky Tonkin. Almost every event in Scotland will have live music and the Local Food Festival in Letham village park is no exception.
Central Scotland Smallholders Association.

Food in Letham Park
Judging lunchbox competition.

If you're interested in fungi, don't hesitate - this book must be on your shelves. When you consider how much work went into this project, this represents tremendous value for money.

Roger Phillips, creator of "Wild Flowers" and its bestselling companion volumes, turns his attention and his camera to the wide range of good things to eat from the countryside and seashore. From the multitude of species that are safely edible, he has selected those that are actually attractive and appetizing as food. Beautiful colour photography shows each species growing in the wild - for accurate identification - and prepared as an appealing dish. Well-known wine and food writers such as Jane grigson, Katie Stewart and B.C.A. Turner are among those who have contributed the recipes that accompany Roger Phillips' photographs. Buy Now.Wild Food (Natural history photographic guides)

Drumming with many happy participants getting into the groove.

A real grind but it well demonstrates that it can be done without connection to the electricity grid.

The Man who Planted Trees Puppet Show. This is just the beginning of a very entertaining, humorous and poignant story that has won many awards.
"I wrote this story to make people love trees, or more precisely to make people love planting trees. Of all my stories it is one of the ones of which I am most proud. It has never earned me a penny and for that reason it has accomplished the very purpose for which it was written."
Jean Giono, 1957
There is some debate, however, as to whether Giono based the character of Elzéard Bouffier on a real person. We recently met a headteacher on the Isle of Mull who used to work as a forester in France and told us that there were forested areas of Provence which according to the maps should be just scrub land. No-one knows where all these trees came from.
But this is much more than a story about forestry: it is a wonderful parable of life - the tale of a human being who saw a need and decided not to ignore it but to "put things right" . He received no payment or recognition, yet his life of dedication brought him great happiness and health. The story is also known as 'The Man Who Planted Hope and Reaped Happiness'.
We have tried to dramatise the story as Giono wrote it - i.e. as if it were a true story - and in many ways it is. Fiction can be full of truth. Adapted and performed by Richard Medrington and Rick Conte. Co Director Designer, Ailie Cohen.

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