On my way to The Eden Estuary Nature Reserve my attention was frequently drawn to the candy-floss clouds over the River Tay.

Inner Bridge spans Motray water as it joins the Eden Estuary. Motray water begins below Craigsimmie, less than a mile from my home, flowing through Brunton, Luthrie, Rathillet,north through Kilmany then meandering south by Leuchars to Guardbridge.

A wee trickle at Brunton but even here brown trout can be seen.

Mullein Eden estuary along with dock seeds and willowherb.

Of the Butterflies seen today, Small Heath, Common Blue, Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Meadow brown and Small Copper, I only managed to capture on camera what you see. When it's really warm these flying beauties are very skittish as are the silverY moths.

This year around here the Painted Lady Butterfly seems to be dominant.

Tortoiseshell butterfly, far fewer this year.

Incoming to R.A.F. Leuchars after a spin around Scotland.

I had previously sat here and returned to this spot 2 miles later having discovered that I had lost the car keys. There is nothing like looking for a needle in a haystack. In the event they remain somewhere.
The Eden Estuary nature reserve Guardbridge North Fife at high tide.
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