One of the reasons for going to Tentsmuir Sands North Fife was to avail ourselves of the Sea Buckthorn berries. Alas we were beaten to them by others though we did collect sufficient for a really nice pie.

Are you fully aware of nature's bounty? There's free food everywhere! Herbs, salad leaves, vegetables, berries, nuts and fungi can all be found. From edible seaweed and fennel to horseradish and wild asparagus, from the roadside to seaside every environment holds a burgeoning larder. "Wild Food" shows you what plants and fungi are edible, where to look for them, how to safely identify them and how to prepare them. There's even a section devoted to delicious recipes so that you have everything you need to make the transition from pathway to plate. Organised by environment and with clear instructions for identification, this is the European forager's bible.
Wild Food For Free
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