The rich rural scenery of North Fife, Scotland, provides variety from the historic city of St Andrews and the quaint harbours of the East Neuk of Fife. A Royal Palace in Falkland, a Folk Museum in Ceres, a National Trust Mansion House near Cupar, Balmerino Abbey, Lindores Abbey, Newburgh, Dunbog, Glenduckie, Creich, Birkhill, Ballinbreich, Abdie, Upper Flisk and more in beautiful North East Fife. Also the occasional wander.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Garden Pond Flisk North Fife

Garden Pond Flisk North Fife

Gooseberries North Fife

North Fife Sycamore Seeds
Monday, July 30, 2007
Apples North Fife

Wild Flowers North Fife

A complete photoguide to all the wild flowers of Britain, in the same format as the bestselling "Complete British Wildlife". There are 1039 main entries, which include wildflowers, shrubs, aquatic plants, grasses, sedges and rushes. A botanical hotspots section includes 100 rarer species and focuses on which places to visit in Britain which are particularly rich in flower species. The introduction gives information about habitats and general background information to making identifications. Comparison pages show different leaf shapes, flower clusters etc, so that you can quickly and easily navigate to the right section of the book to make your identification. Maps are included for all species to show where they can be found.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Moths Flisk North Fife

A Reviewer Reported, "This book was a complete treasure to find. Having only started my interest in Moths just over a year ago I had only been able to find books with insufficient information or one's that were too technical. The Moths of the British Isles by Bernard Skinner is an excellent book but too technical for a beginner and how often do you see moths with their wings spread out as in the images he gives for identification. With the Field Guide to Moths of Great Britain and Ireland the authors have been able to demonstrate what the moths would look like in different natural positions and described what I should be looking for in straight forward terms. It is an excellent reference book for beginners and the more experienced and is well worth reading. Well done I hope they go on to write other wildlife books in this format as I shall be in the queue to buy them".

A wee break from North Fife

Guru Rinpoche Tibetan Chanting

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Red Deer in North Fife

Red Deer in North Fife can be found occasionally but usually Roe Deer are frequently seen as they run wild over the entire area. This example of a Red Deer Stag is at the deer farm near Auchtermuckty in North Fife run by John and Nichola Fletcher.
Silver Bird Broach made in North Fife.
Sterling Silver Broach made in North Fife

Lindores Loch North Fife
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Herbalism in North Fife

A recent revival of Western Herbalism, along with other systems of natural, traditional and holistic medicine, has brought to light a missing link, namely a system of medicine by which the herbs could be applied to the human body. Herbalism does not fit into modern biomedicine and the original system of medicine has disappeared. In contrast, a background philosophy and system of medicine accompanies homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. Now, this book resuscitates and brings Western Herbalism up to date in relation to the human body.
Bistort on the road to Abdie North Fife

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Abdie Gravestone North Fife

Friday, July 20, 2007
Abdie Lindores North Fife
Today I wandered across to Abdie churchyard to have a look. It so happened that along the way I noticed that the Gean (bird cherries) were ripe and beginning to fall. Indeed they are of such profusion this year that there are far too many for the birds to consume, I too was well satisfied with the unexpected mid morning snack. Nice Eh!
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying.
Abdie Looking across Lindores Loch to Normans Law.
by Robert Herrick
SO smell those odours that do rise
From out the wealthy spiceries ;
So smells the flower of blooming clove,
Or roses smother'd in the stove ;
So smells the air of spiced wine,
Or essences of jessamine ;
So smells the breath about the hives
When well the work of honey thrives,
And all the busy factors come
Laden with wax and honey home ;
So smell those neat and woven bowers
All over-arch'd with orange flowers,
And almond blossoms that do mix
To make rich these aromatics ;
So smell those bracelets and those bands
Of amber chaf'd between the hands,
When thus enkindled they transpire
A noble perfume from the fire.
The wine of cherries, and to these
The cooling breath of respasses ;
The smell of morning's milk and cream,
Butter of cowslips mix'd with them ;
Of roasted warden or bak'd pear,
These are not to be reckon'd here,
Whenas the meanest part of her,
Smells like the maiden pomander.
Thus sweet she smells, or what can be
More lik'd by her or lov'd by me.
Factors, workers.
Respasses, raspberries.
Pomander, ball of scent.
What sentiment,
as penned by, Robert Herrick, poet.

Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying.

by Robert Herrick
SO smell those odours that do rise
From out the wealthy spiceries ;
So smells the flower of blooming clove,
Or roses smother'd in the stove ;
So smells the air of spiced wine,
Or essences of jessamine ;
So smells the breath about the hives
When well the work of honey thrives,
And all the busy factors come
Laden with wax and honey home ;
So smell those neat and woven bowers
All over-arch'd with orange flowers,
And almond blossoms that do mix
To make rich these aromatics ;
So smell those bracelets and those bands
Of amber chaf'd between the hands,
When thus enkindled they transpire
A noble perfume from the fire.
The wine of cherries, and to these
The cooling breath of respasses ;
The smell of morning's milk and cream,
Butter of cowslips mix'd with them ;
Of roasted warden or bak'd pear,
These are not to be reckon'd here,
Whenas the meanest part of her,
Smells like the maiden pomander.
Thus sweet she smells, or what can be
More lik'd by her or lov'd by me.
Factors, workers.
Respasses, raspberries.
Pomander, ball of scent.
What sentiment,
as penned by, Robert Herrick, poet.
Abdie old church Lindores North Fife Scotland

Along with the Pictish stone pictured below this stone is housed in the same place. I am quite taken by the strong design which is particularly well drawn and executed.Any heraldic coats of arms which may have been depicted on the shields are no longer evident.
Abdie old church Lindores North Fife

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Newburgh Highland Games North Fife

With the unexpected loss of the normal venue this year Newburgh Highland Games was cancelled. I am assured that alternative sites have been identified and Newburgh will rejoin the Highland Games circuit next year.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Pheasants that may soon be in North Fife

The author and photographer who brought Abrams Extraordinary Chickens (now in its fourth printing) is back with another singular and charming book. With gorgeous color photographs and informative text, Stephen Green-Armytage turns his attention to the pheasant family, capturing with his camera pheasants of all sizes, shapes, and colors and illuminating gorgeous feather patterns and other decorative details worthy of French fabric designers. The varieties included range from the noble Ringneck pheasant, so popular with hunters, to the gorgeous Congo peacock. Breeders and enthusiasts will find this volume a treasure they must own; for others it will be a revelation, worth having for the sheer enjoyment of the striking photographs and the amazing birds they portray.
It has long been my intention to breed and release some of these exotic pheasants into North Fife, How it goes remains to be seen but it is a way of creating a subtle paradise. As conservation and habitat quality are more to the fore of peoples awareness it could become a viable happening. Mind you the thought of them being shot for pleasure appals me. I will be happy to receive any advice on such an endeavour.
Pheasants North Fife

Pheasant farming is a common practice, and is sometimes done intensively. Birds are supplied both to hunting preserves/estates and restaurants, with smaller numbers being available for home cooks. Pheasant farms have some 10 million birds in the U.S. and 35 million in the United Kingdom. The Common Pheasant is also one of the prime target of small game poachers. The Roald Dahl novel "Danny the Champion of the World" dealt with a poacher (and his son) who lived in the United Kingdom and illegally hunted common pheasants.
Each year a brace or two nest in my garden at Flisk North Fife, though this nest pictured seems to have been deserted, the hen road killed or a fox had a meal.
The bird was brought to Britain around the 10th century but became locally extinct in the early 17th century; it was reintroduced in the 1830s and is now widespread. Repeated reintroduction has made the pheasant a very variable species in regard to size and plumage. Pheasants were introduced in North America in 1913, being released at Dog Ear Butte. They are most common in the Great Plains, where they are often seen in hay, grass wheat, and CRP fields. A preferred nesting site for them is along fence rows, wheat, and under old machinery.
The Green Pheasant of Japan is very similar to Common Pheasant, but the males have greenish plumage. The Ring-Necked Pheasant is the state bird of South Dakota, one of only three US state birds that is not a species native to the United States.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Balmerino Abbey North Fife Scotland
Sweet Chestnut Tree Balmerino Abbey North Fife

Balmerino Abbey North Fife

Very old sweet chestnut tree in the grounds of Belmarino Abbey.

Balmerino Abbey, a Cistercian monastery situated on the south bank of the River Tay in North Fife was founded in 1229 by the widowed queen of William the Lyon, then destroyed during the Reformation. A Spanish Chestnut tree here is one of the oldest of its kind in the country.
Balmerino Abbey, was the landing-place of the Lady Ermengarde second wife and widow of William the Lyon, daughter of the Earl of Beaumont, and great-granddaughter of the Conqueror, mother of Alexander II, and ancestress of the succeeding sovereigns of Scotland -- when, out of gratitude for the health and the peace she had found at 'Balmurynach 'there is a choice of 36 ways of spelling the name she resolved to plant here a house of Cistercian monks, dedicated to the Virgin and to her relative 'the most holy King Edward,' the Confessor.
This resolve, made sometime at the beginning of the second quarter of the thirteenth century, was promptly carried into execution, and on St Lucy's Day, 1229, a company of monks from Melrose, under Alan, their first Abbot, were able to enter and take possession. The Abbey was a monument of sacrifice, as well as of gratitude, for the foundress had first to purchase with a thousand marks the lands representing nearly the whole of the present parish, to which the Abernethies of Carpow had succeeded as Lay Abbots of the Culdee seat of Abernethy. It was built of a red stone from Nydie, beyond the Eden. In its great days it must have been a beautiful habitation of peace, with a plan conforming to the Mother Church of Melrose, in having the cloister on the north side of the sanctuary and in other details.
Ermengarde and her son Alexander, another great benefactor, visited here repeatedly. They would ferry over from Dundee, or from Invergowrie, when coming from the royal palace at Forfar; for the Queen much affected the haunts, as well as the religious example, of her grandmother-in-law, the saintly Margaret. In 1234 the body of the foundress was laid to rest here. But, like other landmarks of Balmerino, the grave will be looked for in vain. Her stone coffin, containing her skeleton, was supposed to have been found, on the spot indicated by the records, by the tenant of the farm while, in the summer of 1831, he was engaged in 'carting away hewn stones from the piers and south wall of the church' to build a house in St Andrews. It was covered by a graveslab, which was 'broken in pieces,' while the bones found within were 'dispersed as curiosities through the country.'
Mary Queen of Scots was certainly a visitor here in 1565, and more than likely lived in the Abbot's House as a guest of Sir John Hay, the first Lay Commendator of the Abbey. Later the lands were erected into a barony, in favour of Sir James Elphinston of Barnton, the first Lord Balmerino, who after being sentenced to death, died quietly of a 'fever' at the Abbey. The more ill-fated Arthur, the sixth lord, who suffered for his part in the 1745 rebellion, is supposed to have hidden in the ruins, after an earlier adventure in 1715, and before he escaped to a vessel in the Firth of Tay which took him to France.
Of the Church itself there remains above ground only portions of the walls of the nave and north transept. Enough of the Chapter-House is left to show how endowed it was in ornament and proportions. What remains of Balmerino Abbey is kept now kept in good order and condition. Although Daniel Defoe, who visited it in 1727, saw 'nothing worthy of observation, the very ruins being almost eaten up by time,' it is well deserving this reverent care, if only for the ancient trees that are gathered around it. Chieftains among these are a magnificent old Spanish chestnut and a walnut of like or superior age. Another reason to visit Balmerino is the beautiful views of the Firth of Tay, the Carse of Gowrie, and the Sidlaw range of hills, with glimpses of the more remote Grampians, including Ben Voirlech on Loch Earn - a distance of about fifty miles in a straight line.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Lindores Abbey BBQ Newburgh North Fife

This BBQ in Newburgh North Fife provides a good meeting point where people catch up, meet others and generally deepen the connection between. I myself re-met someone from years ago and forged new friendships with others as did many. Newburgh is small, yes but although we acknowledge each other in passing, it's only on such random gatherings is time spent really getting to know others in a relaxed convivial atmosphere.

Friday, July 13, 2007
Clatchards Quarry Newburgh North Fife

Tour Scotland on the Best Scottish Tours

Bramble Flowers North Fife

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Lindores Abbey Newburgh North Fife

Newburgh, in North Fife, on the banks of the River Tay, has had a settlement or a village on the present site from a period much earlier than the end of the twelfth century, but it was at this time that the village grew in importance, due to the founding of Lindores Abbey.
Perhaps the most important and historic event ever witnessed at Lindores Abbey was the meeting here in 1306 of three puissant knights, Sir Gilbert Hay of Errol, Sir Neil Campbell of Lochaw, and Sir Alexander Seton, and the sealing before the high altar of the vow they made to " defend the King Robert Bruce and his crown to the last of their blood and fortunes. "
William Wallace was also here when he stole hither out of Black Earnside Wood for water for his wounded men. And in Newburgh tradition, the Clatchard Craig, which faces the Abbey with a sheer cliff of two hundred feet, is pointed to as the stone whereon he whetted his great two-handed sword !
Lindores Abbey, which was once a wealthy Abbey, older and more famed than Balmerino, is now deserted and in ruins. Yet, Kings Warriors and Statesman who had a considerable part to play in Scottish history have frequented this ancient site. Brave men have walked here. Brave words have been spoken here, and for centuries men worshipped and praised God in this now inconspicuous site.
David, Duke of Rothesay, the ill-fated heir to the throne was quickly buried here in 1401 after having been put to death in Falkland Palace. For many years James the ninth and last of the line of the " Black Douglases, " found retirement here.
David, Earl of Huntingdon, was the founder of this Benedictine House of the Tyronesian Order, which was colonised by monks from Kelso at the end of the 12th century and dedicated to St Mary and St Andrew in gratitude for the taking of Ptolemais in Palestine. Other visitors were William the Lyon; the second and third Alexanders, one of whom brought interdict on Lindores and Scotland through his quarrel with the Pope, while the other had his son and heir buried here.
Edward I, the " Hammer of the Scots, " was here in 1296. Lindores also saw David II, many Stuart sovereigns, including of course, Mary. Before her visit, and angry Dundee mob had, in 1543, assailed the abbey, ejecting the monks and destroying much of the furnishings.
The most famous Abbot was the great theologian and inquisitor Lawrence, one of the founders of St Andrews University.
The village of Newburgh was erected into a burgh-of-barony by Alexander III, in 1266 in favour of the Abbot and Convent of Lindores. In 1457 it was converted into a royal burgh. In 1631 Charles I, confirmed the ancient royal charter, but the burghers never exercised their right of sending a member to the Scottish Parliament. In the wall of a building in Newburgh High Street, and facing north, is an interesting relic of Lindores Abbey. It shows a badge with a shield above surmounted by a crosier or pastoral staff. The badge is the same as was borne by the ancient Earls of Warwick - namely the bear and ragged staff. The stone must have at one time been part of the Abbey's decorations or the Abbot's residence.
The bear in the stone harks back to the time of Arthur and the Round Table. One of his knights was Arthgal, whose name in the British language was Arsh or Narsh, signifying a bear. The ragged staff is attributed to Morvidus, an earl of the same family remarkable for his courage and skill, who slew a formidable giant by means of a young tree, which by his great strength he had torn up for the task.
Lindores Abbey Newburgh North Fife
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Bumblebees North Fife

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