Monday, May 20, 2013

Fruit Blossom North Fife

In my garden we have many young fruit trees, this year after a long cold winter they appear to have been stimulated into prolific blossom with much promise. Just after taking these photos there was a deluge washing away much of the pollen. Few pollinating insects about but if by good fortune the fruit set the garden birds take them just before they are really ripe, as a consequence the birds do well, multiplying and each year more mouths to feed.

Sweet Cherry Blossom.

Comice Pear Blossom, prolific too and maybe, just maybe it will bear fruit. Comice pears are perhaps the best pears for eating raw. They have a great fruity aroma and flavor and a slightly finer, less grainy texture than other varieties.

Orpingtons  Cockerel who always comes along to see what's going on, do anything and he will be there.

I mentioned the deluge after taking the photos of the fruit trees. Well, Fife Council have spent many tens of thousands £s implanting drainage on the road to Newburgh, Sort of, a torrent of water passes by my home bypassing the drain points which are set higher than the water flow levels. Time for some competency.. Consequently the road below was flooded.

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