Rosehips are particularly abundant in north fife as are the
flowers earlier in the year. Vitamin C-rich rose hips can be found in dried form in most health food stores, but why not gather your own? You’ll save money and you’ll know where they came from and the conditions in which they grew. Furthermore, you’ll be adding to your own self-sufficiency by locating and gathering a nutrient-dense food source to nourish yourself and your family. There are many foods available in the hedgerows and wayside along with the industrial produce of the fields.

A book you may find useful is Food for Free.

Fans of Food for Free will be delighted at this new, ideal for carrying in a rucksack. Over 100 edible plants are featured together with recipes and other interesting culinary information. With details on how to pick, when to pick and regulations on picking. This new format of a best-selling title provides a portable guide for all those who enjoy what the countryside has to offer. Over 100 plants are listed, fully illustrated and described, together with recipes and other fascinating information about their use throughout the ages. The recipes are listed so that you can plan your foray with a feast in mind. This is the ideal book for both nature-lovers and cooks. Particularly with today's emphasis on the freshest and most natural of foods. There is also practical advice on how to pick plus the countryside laws and regulations on picking wild plants.
Food for Free (Collins GEM)
North Fife History.
Cupar: A History
History of North Fife Cupar.
North Fife Property.
Tour Scotland. North Fife Maps.
St.Andrews and East Fife: Cupar, Anstruther and Crail (Explorer)
Rent a Cottage in North Fife Scotland.